Is your organization considering a new structure? Are there roles and/or responsibilities that are missing? Would you like your meetings to be more effective? Do the norms of the organization reflect the culture and values you want to espouse? Payal has helped organizations address these types of questions in an open and transparent manner.
Campaign research | Power mapping | Strategy Development
Are you looking for someone who can work with your team to design a winning strategy to ignite social change? Payal has experience weaving together campaigning, organizing and mobilizing tactics she has learned on the ground in various countries. Her experience ranges from grassroots organizing with community groups to corporate campaigning at international environmental NGOs. In today’s world, there has to be a strong digital component that drives offline action. She prefers to develop interactive processes to draw the best ideas from teams.
Audience mapping | Influence analysis
Social change campaigns are strongest when they strengthen movements by growing them to use their power strategically. In order to expand a movement, it is necessary to identify who it is you are trying to bring into the movement and how you can bring them in. Once they are a part of the movement, a structure to grow the skills of the movement and coordinate people makes it then possible to organize strong and powerful mobilizations at key moments in order to flex the movement’s muscle. Payal has done this work on three continents and has the recipe for success.
Interactive Meeting Facilitation | Events | Podium Discussions
Payal is talented at facilitating online and offline meetings. As she worked online for many years, she’s had plenty of time to figure out how to make online meetings engaging and interactive. She can also moderate events online and offline in English and German (and even do both within one meeting!).
Non-Violent Direct Action | Campaigning, Mobilizing, Organizing | Anti-Oppression
Payal is experienced at giving training at the introductory to the advanced level on a number of topics in a participatory manner.
Research | Writing | Speaking
Payal is available to write research reports, articles or essays. She is also a seasoned public speaker, offline or online.